英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 16:22:39

eat up

英 [i:t ʌp]

美 [it ʌp]

吃光; 吃完
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eat up在线翻译


1. use up (resources or materials)

e.g. this car consumes a lot of gas
We exhausted our savings
They run through 20 bottles of wine a week

Synonym: consumeuse upeatdepleteexhaustrun throughwipe out

2. finish eating all the food on one's plate or on the table

e.g. She polished off the remaining potatoes

Synonym: finishpolish off

3. enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing

e.g. The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter

Synonym: immerseswallowswallow upbury

1. 吃光;吃完
When you eat up your food, you eat all of it.

eat up的解释

e.g. Eat up your lunch...
e.g. Some seed fell along the footpath, and the birds came and ate it up.

2. 耗费(大量金钱、时间或资源)
If something eats up money, time, or resources, it uses them or consumes them in great quantities.

e.g. Health insurance costs are eating up his income.

1. 吃光:in a short while 不久 | eat up 吃光 | from then on 从那时起

2. 吃完,吃光;耗尽:eat off 吃掉,腐烂掉 | eat up 吃完,吃光;耗尽 | eat up 使沉迷于;使纠缠于

3. 使沉迷于;使纠缠于:eat up 吃完,吃光;耗尽 | eat up 使沉迷于;使纠缠于 | either...or 或...或,不是...就是


4. 吃完,吃光:154)arrive at/in a place 到达某处 | 155)eat up 吃完,吃光 | 156)do well in 在......干得好

To make matters worse, people let their cattle eat up the grass, which further destroys the grassland.(更糟糕的是,人们任他们的牛把草吃光,这进一步破坏了草原。)
Inactive accounts can also eat up your system resources.(不使用的帐号也会耗光你的系统资源。)
This will only eat up memory unnecessarily.(这样只会不必要地消耗内存。)
They eat up the sin of my people, and they set their heart on their iniquity.(他们吃我民的赎罪祭,满心愿意我民犯罪。)
Chicago - They eat up millions of your hard earned tax dollars.(芝加哥——它们花掉了数以百万你们辛辛苦苦挣来的美元。)
And did eat up all the herbs in their land, and devoured the fruit of their ground.(吃尽了他们地上各样的菜蔬,和田地的出产。)
When bacteria eat up oil-which they have been doing at the Gulf's oily seeps for millions of years-they use up oxygen, too.(过去几百万年间,在墨西哥湾的油污区一直有种以吸收海中渗出的石油为生的细菌。它们吃石油时会将氧气用尽。)
Oh, I can eat up all of them!(噢,我能把它们全吃光!)
I love online reading, and connecting with others, but it can really eat up your life if you let it.(我喜欢在线阅读,喜欢和朋友们联系,但如果你放任自流,它真的会吞噬你的生活。)
Changes with no business value simply eat up resources with little reward.(无业务价值的的变更只是消耗资源,几乎没有回报。)
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